Sunday, August 26, 2007

Phone to mouth

I got a question about Nokia E70 phone.
There's a rumor that this is the only Nokia phone that doesn't fit into human mouth.
I got it inserted to test persons mouth and I have to say that there's no problems fitting it in when the keyboard is closed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Revolution of the real encyclopedia

Dear all,

this is an open letter to all internet users in the world. I'm truly sorry that my tight schedule has led to a pause in stream of information. This cannot continue which is why I will write a new part of encyclopedia on next week. This is a promise that will not be betrayed.

Sincerely yours,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The reason for silencium and a newsletter of a new product

Why hasn´t there been any new Q&A´s during the past month?

The problem is that at the moment most of the problems in this world are solved.
I have spent the last month trying to create more problems so that the demand for this type of encyclopedia would remain. Other option would be to expand this to other galaxies which still have unsolved problems.

I haven´t decided which road I will follow. Fortunately, I can guarantee that the problem solving continues.


I have thought of creating a call service where I could give immediate answers to any kind of questions and problems. I have noticed that as a media, this kind of encyclopedia can be to slow and rigid. I have already patented this service and the future will show its destiny.

Few examples of phone service:
In a bar, you think: Should I order a gin tonic or a blue angel?
Call and hear my answer: Gin tonic, of course.

In school, you wonder: Is the next lecture worth of going?
Call and hear my answer: Probably not, ask tomorrow the key points from the most dutiful girl student you know.

Walking on a street, you notify someone greeting you. You don´t recognize him/her and you wonder if you should greet him/her back.
Call and hear my answer: Always greet people who greet you. Otherwise you´ll find yourself in a situation where you´re not seeing greetings any more.

In case you´re interested in buying these type of services, contact me.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christmas season

How do you when christmas season starts?

You can check the start of the christmas season from people´s gestures.
Most of the people have understood the exact meaning of christmas and stop being nice to fellow citizens. They stop smiling and start to stress about everything related to this joyful celebration period.

People start walking faster, they are busier than a month ago. Three days before christmas eve, everybody´s running. They drive more aggressively with their cars and show ugly faces, sometimes also fingers. They are also buying more things so that they could achieve this state of mind.After all, everybody knows that happiness rises from the ashes of your credit card bills.

He found out that Santa died in a sleigh accident six years ago.
Also the spirit of christmas passed away in the same accident.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

PART IV: What if the world was a perfect place?

I received a letter (what a great thing that people still write letters) asking the following question:
What if the world was a perfect place?
The answer lies between your eyes and your LCD display:

At first, if the world was a perfect place, there would be more beavers.
As an animal, beaver is a good example of a happy creature. Building and building, without a real reason to build. It doesn´t questionize its reason to live or its function on the earth. It just builds. It shows us how we really don´t need to think further.
Most certainly, in a perfect world, there would be more beavers.

A beaver.

In a perfect world, money would matter more. Like everyone knows, communism never succeeded because human beings are greedy animals. The problem with the capitalism is that not everyone is greedy enough. In a perfect world everybody would put the money on the highest place on their personal podium and capitalism would finally work. How can we ever save this planet if all of us aren´t thinking about just money?

Rupert Murdoch thinks about money.

In a perfect world, everybody would be the same. The problem in this unperfect world is the diversity. There are too many kind of people, too many different ways to see things and too many different opinions. Most of the people have to spend their days arguing with people who disagree with them. With people who are wrong. Those people don´t understand. They say that diversity is a richness. It is not true. It creates bad mood and also children with three hands.

Order Jim Wootens book "We are all the same" from

In a perfect world, milk cans would be like balls. They would always be in balance and never fall.

No more milk on the table.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Third part: Kebab animal

One month ago, I received an e-mail from a restaurant in Northern Poland.
The subject of the mail was the Kebab animal. The owner of the restaurant wanted to know where is the Kebab animal from and how should you feed it.

This time the research has taken some time and I haven´t been able to write an answer before I was completely sure of every detail. Because of this question, I had to travel to southern Turkey and live there two weeks with nomads.
Answer comes here:


Kebab animal is distant relative of reindeer and moose. 50 years ago people believed that Kebab is actually a child of moose and reindeer, little bit like a mule is a child of horse and donkey. That is not true. Kebab is an gender of its own.

The first kebab animals were seen three thousand years ago at the mountains between Turkey and Iraq. The nation of Kurdis still uses Kebab animal to do some hard work when a donkey or a horse is too big to be used. Kebab has the size of a dog but it looks a bit like a reindeer without any hair.

During the past three decades, Kebab animals have spread to other parts of Europe, most of them living nowadays in Germany. There is also other species related to Kebab, called Döner Kebab. That is a bit smaller but much more meaner animal.

You should never feed Kebab animal. It is an unanticipated beast and it´s very difficult to predict its movements. However, if you feed it, you should do it with youghurt. It will make it much more easier to approach and you should whisper the word "Iskender" at the same time.

I hope this answer shuts down your thirst of information about Kebab animal.

Monday, October 23, 2006

False information in the web

An article in last weekends NYT reveals how many people try to cheat people by writing false information in form of correct information. It tells about Hikipedia ( which is an unresponsible web site spreading unresponsible information.

As you know, on this site you can always trust on the information because it´s written only by me.

The third part of this encyclopedia is on its way to be published soon.