Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Third part: Kebab animal

One month ago, I received an e-mail from a restaurant in Northern Poland.
The subject of the mail was the Kebab animal. The owner of the restaurant wanted to know where is the Kebab animal from and how should you feed it.

This time the research has taken some time and I haven´t been able to write an answer before I was completely sure of every detail. Because of this question, I had to travel to southern Turkey and live there two weeks with nomads.
Answer comes here:


Kebab animal is distant relative of reindeer and moose. 50 years ago people believed that Kebab is actually a child of moose and reindeer, little bit like a mule is a child of horse and donkey. That is not true. Kebab is an gender of its own.

The first kebab animals were seen three thousand years ago at the mountains between Turkey and Iraq. The nation of Kurdis still uses Kebab animal to do some hard work when a donkey or a horse is too big to be used. Kebab has the size of a dog but it looks a bit like a reindeer without any hair.

During the past three decades, Kebab animals have spread to other parts of Europe, most of them living nowadays in Germany. There is also other species related to Kebab, called Döner Kebab. That is a bit smaller but much more meaner animal.

You should never feed Kebab animal. It is an unanticipated beast and it´s very difficult to predict its movements. However, if you feed it, you should do it with youghurt. It will make it much more easier to approach and you should whisper the word "Iskender" at the same time.

I hope this answer shuts down your thirst of information about Kebab animal.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, and IT has a facebook group:

4:32 PM  
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4:52 PM  

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